Technical Tracks

•INDIN Architectures
Industry Architectures, Industry Standards, RAMI 4.0, Industrial IoT

•NDIN Theory and Technologies
Core Technologies, Interoperability, Communication Networks, Connectivity OT/IT, Semantics, Control, Information Processing, Security, IoT/IoS, Machine Learning, Autonomous Systems, Cloud-Fog Computing, Big/Smart Data, Security

•INDIN Engineering
Engineering Methods and Tools, Lifecycle Management, Integration, HMI, Safety, Engineering Systems of INDIN

•INDIN Applications
Smart Manufacturing, Robotics, Smart Cities, Energy / Smart Grid, Smart Living, Smart Framing, Mobility, Water Management, Mining, Oil & Gas, Intelligent Enterprise, Smart Transportation, Internet of Underwater Things, Smart Medical Systems

•INDIN Management and Ecosystems
Innovation Management, Innovation Ecosystems, Visions/Roadmaps, Industry Digitalization, Strategies & Markets, Entrepreneurship

•Advanced Modeling, Control, and Optimization for Cyber Physical Systems
System Modeling, Control Theory

•Work-In-Progress Track
Research that has not yet produced the full results required for a regular paper, but that due to its novelty and potential impact deserves to be shared with the community at an early stage. However, submissions presenting ideas only, without supporting results, will not be accepted.


We have also prepared poster templates for each author.

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